Adaptable is shutting down.

All apps and data will be
permanently deleted on March 15, 2025

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Getting Started

What is Adaptable?

Adaptable makes deploying and managing your app easy so you can focus on writing code.

Adaptable automates the process of deploying your app, from setting up continuous deployment on GitHub pushes all the way to provisioning SSL/TLS, databases, load balancers, CDN, and more.

Just connect your GitHub repository and let Adaptable take care of the rest!

»What is an App?

An App on Adaptable is a web service that is deployed on a scalable serverless framework, along with all support services needed to run your app.

Here are the key features and services you get when you deploy your app on Adaptable:

  • Continuous deployment - automatically builds and deploys your app on each push
  • Zero-downtime updates
  • Custom domain names
  • Fully managed SSL/TLS
  • Managed Postgres or MongoDB databases (with automatic backups)
  • Automatic scaling - up to 1,000 instances
  • DDoS protection
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support
  • WebSocket support
  • Content delivery network (CDN)
  • Monitoring and metrics
  • Error analysis

*Some features available only on paid plans. See Pricing for more detail.

»Zero-Downtime Updates

Each push to your GitHub repository triggers an automatic update to your deployment on Adaptable. This ensures that the deployed version of your app is always up-to-date with the latest code changes.

During the build and deploy phase of your new code, the old version of your code continues to run, so your application updates without any downtime.

»Custom domain names

Customize the domain name for your app, providing a professional and branded access point for your users. Simply tell Adaptable about your domain and Adaptable will give you instructions on how to configure DNS at your chosen provider.

Adaptable automatically provisions TLS certificates and provides HTTPS for all your custom domains.

»Fully managed SSL/TLS

Adaptable automatically provisions certificates for your app and offloads all TLS handling in our load balancing tier with no code changes to your app. Adaptable delivers standard non-TLS traffic to your app.

»Managed Databases

Choose between PostgreSQL or MongoDB for your database needs. Both are fully managed, relieving you from the hassle of database maintenance and management.

Our production tiers also provide automatic backups for your database in case of accidental data deletion.

Adaptable can also connect to outside database services if you choose to bring your own.

»Scalable Serverless Framework

When your code is deployed to Adaptable, it runs in a serverless framework where your code is started in response to outside requests.

This approach has several benefits:

  • When your app has no requests, there are no usage charges.
    That means resources on our fixed price plans go further, and lower bills on our production-ready usage-based plans.
  • Because your app is started and stopped automatically, Adaptable can instantly scale up the number of running instances to handle any spike in your app's traffic.

Adaptable gives you complete control of the number of requests per instance, and the maximum instances giving you the flexibility to trade off throughput, latency, and cost.

»Load Balancing

Your app is fronted by a globally distributed load balancer that efficiently distributes incoming traffic across your app instances, enhancing your app's availability and responsiveness, even during traffic surges.

»DDoS Protection

Adaptable provides protection against common DDoS attacks, so your app can remain online and serving legitimate users during an attack.

»HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 Support

Adaptable's load balancers terminate HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connections from modern web browsers, providing better responsiveness for your users.

Adaptable does this automatically for you, without any code changes to your app. Your app only needs to be HTTP/1.1 capable, which almost all web apps are.

»WebSocket Support

WebSockets and libraries like are fully supported.

»Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Adaptable can be configured with a CDN to cache content, reducing load on your app and improving performance for your users.

»Monitoring and Metrics

Adaptable gives you visibility into your app's traffic and performance with rich graphs, including CPU and memory utilization, network usage, and app instance scale up.

Adaptable also stores the logs your app generates and logs all HTTP requests to your app so you can do detailed analysis and troubleshooting.

»Error Analysis

When your app fails to deploy, not only does the old version of the app keep running, but Adaptable analyzes logs to provide useful tips to help you correct common errors.

»Getting Started

Deploying your app on Adaptable is as simple as connecting your GitHub repo and then choosing a template for your app type.

Click a link below for instructions on how to get started!